Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sometimes it's worth the pain

We say, then, to anyone who is under trial, give Him time to steep the soul in His eternal truth. Go into the open air, look up into the depths of the sky, or out upon the wideness of the sea, or on the strength of the hills that is His also; or, if bound in the body, go forth in the spirit; spirit is not bound. Give Him time and, as surely as dawn follows night, there will break upon the heart a sense of certainty that cannot be shaken. --Amy Carmichael


Why do we run from it? Especially when we have been told that it is in adversity that we find ourselves?

I am such a wimp when it comes to pain. I have a
lways thought of myself as a very "soulful" person, a woman that lives from her heart....a heart that is full of so many different emotions. So, why do I feel that I have the right to dictate exactly what emotions that I will "allow" myself to live in? I'll take love, passion, joy, peace, ect.
But, when it comes to heartbreak, torment, sorrow....I question everything and immediately frantically search for a method to soothe my pain, usual
ly this just results in bandadging a wound that will resurface again somewhere down the line.

So, in this latest walk through sorrow, Jesus has been showing me that it's okay to be in pain. He understands so much...He has great empathy. I mean, even just the picture of the cross....What is it?

Unimaginable physical suffering, not to mention the spiritual element that was going on as Jesus literally felt the weight of the sins of the world on his chest. It must have been difficult to breath.
I find it hard to breath sometimes when I am trying to make a big decision.....ahhh, why I am so quick to believe the lie that I am all alone in my suffering??

Anyways, back to the picture of the cross....he endured, he was patient, and he willfully subjected himself to the pain. And, what came after the pain?

a free life...

That's what he has been saying to me....
Walk through it, don't try to run from it, don't try to medicate it, just feel it

then comes freedom.

In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. --Jesus Christ


Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie, My name is Bobby I'm a Christian from Kalamazoo MI. I just happened to readover your blog page and some things really caught my attention. First off I saw that you were in africa im guessing on a mission trip. Iwas excited to see you working with the children there, that has always been a dream of mine. Next I saw you are 24 years old, I'm 26 and it's awesome to see more young people on fire for the Lord. But, Something caught me by surprise, when I saw that you cursed in one of your posts. The word says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, your heart and your mouth are directly connected so when you speak you show with your words whats really going on inside. Some of the things you were saying about the pain you are experiencing in your life I'm wondering if you aren't Bringing them on yourself. You also Said in your profile that you listen to all music, let me tell you something about that. You can grow oranges in florida like it's going out of style but you can't in Michigan. Why? Because they are two completely different atmospheres. The music you listen to creates an atmosphere also. Just think, when a worldly man wants to be alone with a woman the first thing he does is put on the right music to set the right mood and create an atmosphere condusive to his intent. Listen, people aren't worshiping the lord and getting saved at the club. WHY NOT? because the atmosphere in the club isn't the right type of atmosphere for these things to happen in. Your not seeing people bumping and grinding in the church or getting drunk and high or getting shot in the parkinglot after sunday service because the atmospere at the church is not one to create those things. We begin to sing praises to the lord and begin to have worship service to usher us into the presence of God, and in his presence are his attributes, healings ,Demons being cast out ect. If you know that then you have to know that there's a flip side to it, when you play and listen to music singing of the things of the flesh(satan) you usher in the presence of the devil and you begin to reflect his attributes(Gal. 5:19-21). When we come to salvation the first thing we have to do is deny ourselves(Matt 16:24) the lord needs to purge us of the old man so that we can be a clean vessle for him to fill and use. So many times people come to the lord but think they can continue in sin and still be saved, but the salvation prayer isn't some kind of magic words you say to give you a free ticket to heaven. Or some people think that the Lord will work through a filthy vessel. Sanctification is not an option it is a commandment(2cor 6:17-7:1)(1cor.3:16-17& 6:19-20)(2cor.5:17). The word says that we are to be new creatures in christ, old things pass away and all things become new, but we have to make a concious decision to allow God to purge us, to complete the work of sanctification that he began even if it means giving up our foul mouth, or a relationship we know we are not supposed to be in or an old addiction or habit that we want to kind of still hold onto and say, "well God understands" no! God understands that he gave you a commandment to abidide by and if you break it and continue to live in sin without repentance you will face the consequence of it. God understands that he sent his son to die so that you wouldn't have to continue struggleing with it, and when you decide to chose to live in the sin rather than obey God you are making a sound choice whom you will serve. May the Lord Guide you into all truth. Peace and love from a brother in Christ. Bobby(1cor.10-13)

The Monterossos said...

Hi Bobby,
Well, I noticed that you left your email address, but honestly---I am not concerned with any further dialogue with you.
I thought I might respond to your comment so that those others who read my blog might see how I would respond.
Honestly, I am not quite sure how to respond, but I would like to say that I feel quite sorry for you---as in some of the things that you have written have given me a glimpse of your view of Jesus.

Also, I am trying not to judge with everything that I am, but it is difficult to not read your response and to think---that Christians like you are exactly why people are turned off to Jesus.
I make this statement simply b/c you know nothing about me, my heart, my soul----and you slammed me with scripture judging me like you are my best friend.

Perhaps you could have started with asking me "Why?" I said a curse word? Why I said I like "all music" or "What is there pain in my heart right now?"
just a thought...

Obviously, you are welcome to read my blog, but please out of respect for me---a stranger to you----please refrain from commenting on my blog with arrogant presumptions about who I am.


Casey said...

In response to your original post, Laurie...

I honestly don't know if real freedom can be ours without experiencing some pain first. Maybe I'm wrong about that. But when I look at my life, I don't know if God could have set me free from so much bondage without allowing me to be totally broken first. When I had nothing to protect, then I could finally believe that He loved me "while I was still a sinner."

It's one of the reasons I love the quote from Miracle Drug by U2: "Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head." That baby caused a lot of pain being born, but on the other side of the pain was life. And it smells so much better than the comforts of a prison stall.

In response to the other thing...well, you know. :)