Saturday, August 4, 2007


So, I read through an old journal---and I had this prayer in it to God...a "desperate" prayer, for very specific things.
And, tonight I realized that my reality right now was the answer to those specific prayers...except it didn't turn out exactly like I wanted it to when I prayed them.

Crazy how that happens! So, I must trust God. I must believe him that this is his answer.

I asked for an answer a few months back, I got an answer, and now I must learn to live with it.

That prayer is my lifeline right now....I can look back on it and realize that God is faithful, God is sovereign, He knows what he's doing....even when it hurts like hell.

1 comment:

Angie Bledsoe said...

Hey! Don't let the judgment of others get you down - it's hard when you pour your heart out and someone judges harshly, but it goes with the territory unfortunately. Just try to learn from others as much as you can and throw out the junk. If people say things that have some truth, yet their heart is not one of love, try to find the truth and toss the rest. Scripture also talks about not discouraging others in their faith - harsh critisms about the superficial are rarely helpful especially when coming from a stranger - but you can remember what this felt like when you minister to others and let it help you deal with others gently. Pain can definitely make us more sensitive to where others are in their walk - or it can cause us to be bitter and judgmental. The choice is ours - so if we learn to love through our hurt (even while having strong convictions), we can avoid becoming like...some who come across as "puffed up in their knowledge", yet lacking any real love - Jesus dealt with a whole lot of that. Be at peace. Love....