Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Battle

You have to check this video out. It is crazy!!! It is taken from Kruger National Park in South Africa (where I just was) & it is a fight involving a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, a crocodile, and a baby calf.

My counselor actually told me about this video and recommended that I check out b/c of the imagery that it represents.

This video is really cool to watch, but it also just made me think about stuff...about something deeper here.

The first thing that I thought about is the importance of having people "in your corner" to fight for you when you are overpowered, weak, and being taken down. I have friends like that, but I often will still isolate myself and not call out for help b/c of my fears, or shame for what I am struggling with.

Then, there's this picture of a "battle", and I think that we fail to recognize how serious and imminent the spirit of darkness is. As you see in this video, the calf is being pulled from all different directions by those who are seeking to destroy him & it looks so hopeless...until his own kind come back for him.

I do not live my life guarded against the enemy and I believe that I often suffer the consequences b/c I let him pull at me from all different directions....but, remember Psalm 18?
He will turn the whole world upside down to rescue me!

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.1 Peter 5:8

1 comment:

Heather said...

wow that video is amazing. thanks for sharing. i will help fight for you, laurie!!! yay!