Monday, July 16, 2007

Out of Africa

Well, after two days of flying...I am back from Africa & I am pretty sure that I brought a parasite back with me. I've been sick for 4 days----"YIKES", but so has the rest of my team. I learned what it is to truly "rough it" as I was sick and forced to repeatedly use a pit latrine as a potty. Pretty disgusting, but I am really proud of myself:)

So, I have not really had a moment to "process" all that I learned or experienced on this trip, but there is one HUGE victory that I know I will walk away with...
It's about "being present"....this is something that I have always struggled with. Most trips like this or hard situations, I have found myself just constantly fighting homesickness and then just wishing the whole experience away.

It's like I am unable to fully "be" and experience life b/c I always somewhere else....perhaps in the past, but mostly in the future somewhere. This is something I hate about myself b/c I feel like it's robbing myself of truly living life....even living the shitty parts of life. So, about a year and a half ago---I started praying about it & asking for help from God.

Help to not only be physically present, but emotionally and spiritually present in any circumstances.
And.....during my time in Malawi....something supernatural happened....b/c I felt so free to just be there. To be in every feeling, every state of mind, and to take it all in and it's so nice to come out of a trip like that with no regrets b/c I fully engaged. This is a huge victory for me....b/c typically I am a "heart-driven", when I am struggling.....I usually shut down and disconnect.
anyways, I am really thankful for God's faithfulness with all this!
I will write more about the trip later...


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