Thursday, July 19, 2007


Jet-lag again, wow- I have never had it this bad! I wouldn't mind this changing my sleeping habits permanently b/c I wish I went to bed earlier and woke up earlier.

So, Veils---this title comes from a song that I listened to over and over again in Africa as I sought to meet with God. You know songs that just bring you into His presence and yet they are just a confession b/c they articulate EXACTLY what you are feeling on the inside.

When I think about a Veil---I typically think of a wedding veil and whether or not I will have one or not when my wedding day comes. haha...ahh the depth.

Anyways, the definition of a Veil is:
head covering: a garment that covers the head and face

I often just long to look at Jesus, to hear Jesus, to speak to Jesus, to think on Jesus.....yet how often it is just so difficult for me. This song has led me to think of the "veils" in my life that have prohibited me from looking at Jesus, from hearing Jesus, from speaking to Jesus, and from thinking on Jesus.

I'd say that the veils that instantly come to mind are: myself & my comforts, my desire.....other control issues to "make everything okay" complexities and inability to have simple faith.

I think there is not much more to be said. So, take a look at the lyrics:

Jesus, this is my confession. Draw me in. Strip me.

What will it take to be closer to You
Show me what stands in my way
Strip away all of the veils on my heart Lord
You know that I want just to look at Your face

What can I give as I lay at Your throne
Is there a song to be sung
Search me all over my life is in Your hands
You know that I want to fall deeper in love with You

I’m following hard after You
Lord You’re all that I need in my life
Show me what I need to do
To bring joy to Your heart

And strip away all of the veils on my heart Lord
And know that I just want to look at Your face
O Jesus Your beautiful face

I’m following hard after You
Lord You’re all that I need in my life
Show me what I need to do
To bring joy to Your heart

-Jason Morant "Veils"
***another great song by Jason---check out "Hosanna"

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