Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Help "Fellow Bloggers"

So, I cannot figure out how to make changes on my postings----I mean, perhaps I am an idiot. So, help me if you have advice or wisdom into this blogging thing.

So, the song- well.......i guess this is what I am wondering...Maybe there's a loving God.
I know this logically in my head--- of course I know this to be true, but how has it changed me? I guess that's what I am struggling with. How come I am no different? Maybe I am different, and maybe all the responsibility of change lies on my shoulders----perhaps I am overanalyzing this....it wouldn't be the first time. Unfortunately, things are never simple with me. I wish I was more simple-minded.
Anyways, so, I just have been asking myself that question of how would I be different if I truly believed that I had a Father in heaven who was not only real but loved me-----I mean, I'm not talking about just knowing this in my head....I am talking about believing this so deeply that it changed the very essence of who I am....that it was what I lived for and something that I would be willing to die for....that everything that I did and the decisions that I made were "held up" by this truth----by this fact that there really was a loving God.
So, yes....I know this in my head but I'm not where I want to be in my heart....not yet.

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