Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Did I speak too soon?

Well, apparently...I am NOT addicted to blogging. Go figure, I already gave up so soon....I thought I would have at least lasted a little bit longer.
Well, i'm curious if people actually read this and if they do---then I am sorry that I have been MIA.
I have been studying my butt off for the GRE...you know that horrid Graduate Record Exam.
Analogies are the worst. I mean seriously- I cannot get them right. I know how the "GRE for Dummies" "Barron's book for the GRE" and the "Princeton Review" study book and all of them give me these little "Tips" that do me absolutely no good at all.
I already took the asinine (one of my words) test once and didn't get the score that I needed and of course I find myself waking up in the middle of the night thinking how I will never pass the GRE and never get into Grad school and therefore end up watching other people's children all of my life!!!!
Ahh, if only I weren't so dramatic;)
So, other than that- my life has been pretty boring. I feel like i have been living in a whole- I seriously studied for 8 hours on Saturday and then went to babysit 3 little boys----hahha, I went to bed thinking how sad my life is.
you know the funny thing is that I actually enjoy babysitting on the weekends. It's only sad b/c somehow I have come to buy into this idea that you have to go out on the town on the weekends or else you are lame. I am such a homebody that enjoys just being low-key. Am i boring?

Has anyone seen the picture version of the "what's so amazing about grace?"--- it's so amazing!----hahha, i'm funny.
anyways, you should get it.
My favorite page has this picture of a string hanging high in the sky and then it says:
"God in heaven holds each person by a string. When you sin, you cut the string. Then God ties it up again, making a knot- and thereby bringing you a little closer to him.
Again and again your sins cut the string- and with each further knot God keeps drawing you closer and closer...."

That picture just gets me......I mean- I look at my sin and just think feel like I am so unworthy to come into God's presence so typically I just avoid him altogether until I can't avoid him anymore. But, I think----this crap just pushes me further and further away from him. And, the thing is----without Grace- that's exactly what the junk in our lives does. But, with Grace...we get to come into his presence b/c HE Draws us back---he draws us in---closer to him and says---"see, didn't you miss me? that wasn't all that great---don't do that again" So, the very thing that separates us can be the very thing that brings us closer to him. That's supernatural.
super god.

to quote bono-
"what once was lost, what once was friction, what left a mark- no longer stings, b/c grace makes beauty out of ugly things"

Good Day.

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